Various Types of kindling Available in Salisbury, Wiltshire

Rely on J Turner Tree Surgery and Forestry for kindling of the finest quality. Based in Salisbury, Wiltshire, we tailor our services to satisfy your every need. Providing different types of fuel including kindling wood, our team provide these for you as a one-off order or set up regular deliveries for your convenience.

Bag of kindling

Produced to Order

Created from both hardwood and softwood throughout the year, we sell loads that hold 1.5 cubic metres of loose logs. The loads are delivered and tipped so that they are ready for you to stack and store away. Logs are produced to order so we are able to provide kindling that is suitable for all sizes of wood-burning stoves and fireplaces. Available in sacks, these are ideal for carrying through your property to simply tip into your back garden or shed. This is also handy for when you do not have the space for a full load. Please note, we do not leave the sacks with you, as we re-use them.

Different Types of Logs

The logs that we provide are available in a full range of sizes and wood types, (Hard wood, Softwood and Mixed. Supplied as seasoned or green logs, the details are as follows:

  • Seasoned - Ready to Burn Straight Away
  • Green - Need to Be Stored for at Least a Year Before Burning.

Ideal for Lighting Fires

Kindling supplies are also available from J Turner Tree Surgery and Forestry. Provided in net bags, the broken pieces of wood are stored in barns and ready for immediate use. We also supply wood chips for landscape use. Stock up your logs in the Summer for our driest and most seasoned wood.

Get in Touch

When you want to contact us, simply include your name, address, and number on our contact form along with details of the work that you require. We can then provide a suitable price for you. Additionally, delivery of our kindling is available for Salisbury and the surrounding areas.

Contact us in Salisbury, Wiltshire, to acquire more information about our kindling wood.